features fashion

5 ways to help protect your kids from the cold

Take these five precautions to keep kids safe over the winter.
5 ways to help protect your kids by feature fashion
Because of the freezing temperatures that are occurring in many regions of India, it is imperative that you protect your family—especially your children—from the extreme cold. Although the child may be more susceptible to upper respiratory diseases, such as colds, coughs, and stuffy or runny noses, keeping your children indoors is not a good idea because it could expose them to allergies and other infections. How then can you make sure your kids are comfortable and safe during this chilly weather? Dr. Seema Joshi, a senior consultant paediatrician and adolescent counsellor at Ankura Hospitals in Pune, offered the following five safety tips for kids in the winter months in an interview with Zarafshan Shiraz of HT Lifestyle: (Photo by Parveen Kumar/Hindustan Times)

5 Safety Tips for kids in the winter

5 ways to help protect your kids by feature fashion
1. Clothes Properly for winter: It’s vital to maintain warmth in the winter. Given that toddlers are more vulnerable to the cold, this is particularly true for them. Put on several layers of clothing for them, and don’t forget to include winter accessories like hats, gloves, boots, and socks. Children should spend less time outside since they are more susceptible to the cold. (Image courtesy of Aleks)
5 ways to help protect your kids by feature fashion
2. Keeping your kids healthy by promoting regular hand washing with soap and water to stave off colds and the flu. Make sure they have had all recommended flu vaccinations by keeping track of their vaccination history. Instruct children to use their elbows or handkerchiefs to cover their lips when they cough or sneeze.(Pixabay photo)
5 ways to help protect your kids by feature fashion
3. Staying Hydrated in Cold Weather: During the winter, people frequently don’t feel thirsty. But in order to prevent problems like headaches and constipation, kids need to stay hydrated. During the winter, warm turmeric milk or other liquids, such as juice, can also strengthen immunity.(Shutterstock photo)
5 ways to help protect your kids by feature fashion
4. To strengthen their immune systems during the winter, make sure your kids eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Though they might not feel as hungry in the winter, kids still need to eat frequent, nutrient-rich meals to stay full and healthy. Ensure that your kids are eating wholesome food. Include the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are required in their diet because these are essential for enhancing the immune system. Serve your child hydrating foods like broccoli, cauliflower, mint, and ginger along with vitamin C-rich meals like oranges, tomatoes, melons, papayas, and green vegetables. (Image courtesy of Kampus Production)
5 ways to help protect your kids by feature fashion
5. Inspire your kids to be physically active on a regular basis. This can help lessen their vulnerability to diseases and colds. Exercise on a regular basis strengthens the body’s defences, keeping you and your child healthy and ready to fight off recurrent illnesses. Chilling out with sports like cycling, running, jogging, or skipping rope is a good idea in cold weather. Moreover, although winter break could encourage your children to play outside, exposing them to frigid temperatures may cause them to become ill. To protect youngsters from the cold, it is advised that you offer indoor play options during this time of year. (Source: Shutterstock Images)

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